Boodle Fight

Pinas, Here We Come

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I scheduled our flight back to Manila to prepare for my delivery to September 8, 2012. I used up all my annual leaves from work first and the start of my maternity leave will be on the 24th of September.

Doms and I opted to use Philippine Airlines since Singapore Airlines was so expensive. I was not allowed to travel using Cebu Pacific and Jetstar because I am currently 33 weeks preggy. There are certain airline regulations for pregnant women.

Anyway, before our flight, Doms tried his luck with this betting game but he didn’t win anything.


The 3 and half hour flight was a breeze! The food was great! Our seats were comfy too. Doms wanted to trade my seat to the “Ang Mho” who was seated in the aisle so that it will be easy for me to go to the toilet. But the dude upgraded so it was nice and we had the whole row to ourselves.

My Dad was the one who got us from the airport. We passed by Jollibee for take-away breakfast then went home. We did a lot of activities in the short time Doms was here in Manila.

For his last day before flying back to Singapore, we ate dinner at Blackbeard Seafood Island, Trinoma. This was our food.


It was kind of a ri-off for me. My total bill was 2,100 PHP and the food was just simple. We should have just ate in Mann Hann.

Anyway, I wasn’t able to take a lot pf photos.